The Halifax Book Launch of the Works of Robert Crouse
Images of Pilgrimage &
The Soul's Pilgrimage: Theology of the Christian Year
Sunday and Monday 14 & 15 January 2024
See detailed schedule below
A current schedule will be distributed at the launch
In the two days of this book launch we hope to showcase the breadth of Father Crouse's influence on students in both academia and the church. Father Crouse inspired a generation of persons from world-class scholars to local farmers and fishers. ​
Crouse was a world authority on Augustine and Dante. On Sunday afternoon Dr Paige Hochschild from the Theology Department of Mount St Mary's University will give a paper Memory and Pilgrimage in St Augustine. On Monday afternoon Dr Bruce Gordon, Prof of Ecclesiastical History at Yale will give a paper: Semper Reformanda: Robert Crouse and the Receptions of Augustine in the Reformation.
Crouse uniquely uncovered the importance of the primitive Eucharistic Lectionary as the doctrinal gem of the early Church. On Sunday afternoon Fr Gavin Dunbar will deliver a paper, Pilgrimage and Friendship in the Eucharistic Lectionary, and Daniel Watson shall respond.
Crouse consistently represented Classical Anglicanism as both Reformed and Catholic, and his sermons appealed equally to the liturgically rich high-church tradition, and the iconoclastic Word-centred low-church tradition. The Rt Rev'd Victoria Matthews to preach at Saint George's on Sunday morning (Bp Matthews chaired the Primate's Theological Commission on which Fr Crouse served for many years). Former student the Rev'd Canon Dr Ross Hebb to preach on Monday's Evensong at Halifax's only remaining low-church evangelical (i.e. no coloured stole at the North End!) Anglican Church.
Crouse was a medievalist. The Sunday evening annual Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture by Dr Thomas Curran is titled Bologna, Paris, Pisa, Wittenberg, Berlin: The Legacy of the Medieval European University.
In the King's College Chapel where Fr Crouse started the Thursday evening chapel choir in the early 1970s, Evensong will be sung Sunday at 6:30PM prior to the Memorial Lecture. Many participants will be glad to know that the Monday evening 5PM said "Crousemass" attended by many students over the three decades that Fr Crouse celebrated, continues in 2024!
Please all come to the banquet to honour our speakers, following Evensong on Monday evening. Please RSVP to Erin Wagner (ewagner.worksofrobertcrouse@gmail.com) to confirm that you will attend the banquet. This is for the purpose of meal planning numbers. A donation of $20 would be appreciated to place in the bucket at the banquet to help deter costs.
Our Guests In
Order of Speaking
7 PM
RT REV'D VICTORIA MATTHEWS, former Bishop of Toronto, Edmonton, and Christchurch in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
DR PAIGE HOCHSCHILD, professor of historical and systematic theology at Mount St Mary's University, Maryland, USA.
CHRISTOPHER SNOOK, Lecturer in Dalhousie's Department of Classic with Arabic and Religious Studies
FR GAVIN DUNBAR, rector of Saint John's Episcopal Church, Savannah, and President of the Prayer Book Society of America.
DR DANIEL WATSON, Bergin Fellow, The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland.
DR BRUCE GORDON, Titus Street Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Yale Divinity School/Department of History, Newhaven, Conneticut, USA.
DR THOMAS CURRAN, Associate Professor of Humanities at the University of King's College
REV'D CANON DR ROSS HEBB, Lecturer, historian and author of Maritime Church History
MICHELLE WILBAND, former Senior Tutor and Associate Professor, The Foundation Year Programme, UKC.
DR ROBERTA BARKER, Prof of Theatre, Fountain School of Performing Arts, and Carnegie Professor, UKC
Our Schedule
Sunday January 14
St George's Church
2222 Brunswick St
10:30 AM
Holy Communion. Preacher: The Rt Rev'd Victoria Matthews
2 PM
Welcome & Introductions
Paige Hochschild: Memory and Pilgrimage in Saint Augustine
Response: Chris Snook
Rhea Bright speaks on Images of Pilgrimage and her Study Guide
3:25 PM
Coffee Break
Chamber Music
3:50 PM
Gavin Dunbar: Pilgrimage and Friendship in the Eucharistic Lectionary
Response: Daniel Watson
5pm - 6:30 PM
Light meals available at Morris East on Vernon St or Prince Hall at King's
King's College Chapel
6350 Coburg Rd
6:30 PM
Choral Evensong (no sermon) with choirs of St George's and King's
7:30 PM
The Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture: Dr. Thomas Curran
'Bologna. Paris. Pisa. Wittenberg. Berlin: The legacy of the Medieval European University'
The lecture may be live streamed here
8:45 PM
Wine and cheese reception in the President's Lodge
Monday January 15
St George's church
2222 Brunswick St
Fr Gavin Dunbar:
"The Two Michelangelos and the art of the Christian sacred and of the Christian secular"
Dalhousie Classics Department
McCain Arts/social sciences building
Scotia bank auditorium
3 PM
Bruce Gordon:
Semper Reformanda: Robert Crouse and the Receptions of Augustine in the Reformation
Trinity Church
321 main Ave
7 PM
Evensong. Preacher: The Rev'd Canon Dr. Ross Hebb
8 PM
Banquet in honour of the speakers
(please RSVP for meal planning)
Toasts to be given by Michelle Wilband & Roberta Barker
Everyone is invited to all the events and we hope all participants and attendees will attend the closing banquet at which the speakers will be honoured.
It would be appreciated that you email our administrative assistant, Erin Wagner, with your intent to attend the banquet on Monday Evening for purposes of meal planning (ewagner.worksofrobertcrouse@gmail.com). A recommended donation of twenty dollars toward the cost of the meal would assist the organizers.