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The North American Anglican Review

Dr Alex Fogleman at Baylor University offers this review of The Works of Robert Crouse on the North American Anglican website.


The Anglican Planet Review

Sue Careless has written a review on both Images of Pilgrimage and A Soul's Pilgrimage: Theology of the Christian Year. It appears on the Anglican Planet website for subscribers, but we have been given permission to make the article available here. 


The Living Church Review

The Living Church offers this review of The Works of Robert Crouse by Sue Careless. It was published in their February 2024 issue, and is now available to read on The Living Church Website.


Anglican Theological Review

Charles Hefling's review of Images of Pilgrimagein  the Anglican Theological Review. You can read it here

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A Lenten Study Group: Images of Pilgrimage

The Rev'd Walter Hannam, rector of St Bartholemew's, Regent Park discusses chapters of Images of Pilgrimage during Lent 2024. The discussions are made available on the St Olave's Swansea YouTube channel. 

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